The Phijkchu cult Wiki

The following details the processes by which you too can become a Team Phijkchu Member!  Like these fine folks

Method 1:

Step 1. Create a Twitch and Youtube account named "Phijkchu_(any pokemon)"

Step 2.  Go on the youtube channel PKMNRob.

Step 3.  Search his videos for "Team Phijkchu"

Step 4. Click the Imgur link the description.

Step 5.  Take any from the avatars available.

Step 6. Watch a PKMNRob stream

Step 7. Profit

Congrats, you are now in The Phijkchu Cult

OR: Method 2:

Step 1: Gather 342 purple gems.

Step 2: Get someone to build you a house for the 89 cyan gems you collected.

Step 3: Jump into Quagsire's Box of  10000 Souls.

Step 4: Live in it.

Step 5: Have telepathic sex with your partner.

You are a member of Team Phijkchu! Congratulations!

OR: Method 3:


OR: Method 4

Step 1: Sell Dunsparce

OR: Method 5

Step 1: Complete an OldManWillakers Test of Danger

Step 2: Give all of you tuna to the tuna shrine

Step 3: Donate your body for tuna bandit rituals

Step 4: Hope you get lucky and survive (if you survive, go to Step 5. If not, try a different method and see how it turns out for you)

Step 5: Complete Method 1

Or Method 6

Step 1: Throw pikachu into space

Method 27.3333333333...