The Phijkchu cult Wiki

Add your name if you want to be friends on LoM or DvZ with everyone else on the list.                                                                      Be sure to add everyone else if you put your name in the table.~5live

Username Phijkchu Name
Phijkchu_Pikachu Pikachu
Legorhin 5live
rockrex (not anymore cause some dick stole it) Phijkchu_Bipen Mega Bipen
iliketrains34 Eevee
Cre8or38 Tyranitar
runningbulls paldinofhel
AquaDude45 Arbok
Pk_Thief17 Grovyle
Minicookies2 Phijkchu_Foongus
kevin1914 Axew
coolpool2 Beldum
ap0521 Absol
Justicetom Justicetom
jadester2 Jadetini
thorgil rhijkchu_pikachu
IceFlare98 Phijkchu_Flareon
shaunnop22 Phijkchu_shaunnop22
TheMinecrafterxP Phijkchu_Snorlax
skrowlive MoodyBidoofs
StormZillaa Total & BadEgg
Mvpcow Phijkchu_Umbreon
dhj0411 Phijkchu_dhj0411
madiso Phijkchu_Spinda
IGotzCheeze98 Phijkchu_halo
Tolvan_the_Mage Phijkchu_Prinny
ledfordb1 Phijkchu_Zigazagoon
Buckerss Shuckle
swordkillr13 Hydreigon

To add friends on the PlayMindcrack server, follow the directions here.